From this point on, all Ryu seeks is to become a stronger fighter, which he does in the Street Fighter 3 games. In Street Fighter 5's story mode, he finally overcame and purged it from his body by awaking to the Power of Nothingness. In both that game and Street Fighter 4, he had been struggling with the corrupting power of the Satsui no Hado that dwelled within him, which could also transform him into Evil Ryu.
Street fighter iii manhua series#
Secondly, while Ryu is an iconic and recognizable character, his personal storyline in the series appears to have come to a close with Street Fighter 5. It even sported the subtitle A New Generation, heralding a brand new era for the series, with Alex poised to take over as the main character (Ryu would take the position back with the release of Street Fighter 4, which canonically takes place before the events of Street Fighter 3).

That game replaced the entire cast with all new characters, with Ryu and Ken being the only exceptions (Akuma and Chun-Li would be added in subsequent instalments). First, Capcom did try this once before with Street Fighter 3. While the idea of replacing poster boy Ryu as the face of Street Fighter might seem insane to some, there're two reasons why this could easily happen. He even sports a yellow-and-blue color scheme that matches Capcom's own logo, as if he's representing the company itself. Given Capcom's statement, it stands to reason that Luke is set up to take over as not just the main character of Street Fighter 6, but perhaps the series as a whole.